Friday 5 March 2010

Natalia's letter.

Natalia also wrote a beautiful letter, showing that she had learnt lots of new letter writing skills. Well done Natalia.

Can anyone remember the rules of letter writing?

Thursday 4 March 2010

What a lovely letter

Katie has written a lovely letter to Mrs Hinsley and Miss Speers saying how much she enjoys coming to Holy Souls School.

We enjoyed reading your letter and are delighted that you love school so much. You have a great attitude to your learning.

We really enjoy teaching you.

Tuesday 2 March 2010

How good is your spelling?

Log on to this site and have a go at the spelling challenges.
There are lots of different levels and one and multiplayer games.

Why not have a go and see how good you are?

Good luck, happy spelling!

Tudor Almshouse Posters

Mrs Hinsley and Miss Speers would like to say how impressed we were with some of the posters that you made.

Some of you spent a lot of time and put a lot of thought into your work and produced some fantastic posters. They were so good that we have decided to change the classroom display so that we can display the posters.

Well done everybody. I hope you enjoyed the task as much as we enjoyed reading your finished work.

Would you have liked to have lived in an Almshouse?

Weather Watchers.

Well done Ola and Melinda for commenting on the weather blog. I am glad that you remember what makes our weather. I am enjoying our weather topic too.

Monday 1 March 2010

Can you work out the time?

Mrs Hinsley's group are going to work with time again this week.

Can you work out;

If a bus journey starts at 10 past 8 and lasts for half an hour, what time does the journey end?

If it is 3 o'clock now, what time was it 2 hours ago?

Use this interactive clock to help you.

What makes our weather?

Take a look at this web site to remind yourself of the seven different things that make our weather.

Can you remember the four different types of precipitation?

Can you remember the three different types of cloud?

Watch the weather forecast on the tv or cut out the forecast from a daily newspaper and bring it in to school.